Day in the life…………..

Thank God I have a nice ride, because I am spending a lot of time in it.
End of June ended with this kinda day.

7:30 Grove Office for paperwork/emails/accounting

9:30 BPO for a short sale listing

And then the calls come in……AND AWAY I WENT.

10:30 Hang a sign in the Gables (which I just know will be taken down)
11:00 South Miami office to drop off said paperwork
11:30 South Dade listing (Santa Barbara)
12:30 West Kendall (Mystic)
1:00 Grove office to regroup and a bite
2:30 South Beach for offical Royal Atlantic Condo president duties
4:00 South Beach (rental Showings….Cancelled)

Well that’s a good thing cause it’s off to…..Pembroke Pines for a showing.

SoBe to East Naples in rush hour….how fun.

5:30 Park at Grand Palms, wait for appointment. In mean time, bust out laptop do the wireless thing and check some listings for a customer.

6pm Show time except appointment is running late (30mins) Oh and did I mention I have to be in West Miami by 7pm for some showings?

6:15 Make a couple of calls and push back 7pm to 7:15

6:33 Appointment shows up, we do the song and pony show and it’s off to West Miami

7:18 After breaking several speeding laws, I pull into the showing and …..wait for it…… guessed it the @#$%^& Agent (who owns the home BTW) does not show up…….

7:20 We say WTF and we’re off to a new REO couple of miles out.

7:25 We arrive and it looks like an open house circa 2005, there are 10 cars in the drive way and it looks like a bus load of tourist has disembarked and are looking for the snack bar.

7:45 After hanging out for a while and discussing that this home is a bidding war waiting to happen we decide to go home.

8pm Kiss Ana, pour a double (is there any other) bust out the Dell and reply to a couple of questions from customers.

All along, the Blackberry has not stopped, I have been working with 3 new customers, taken countless calls ; in short a normal day in this SLOW MARKET….

Lots of pent up demand, can’t wait till the flood gates open …’s about to happened and all hell is going to break loose….oh happy day.

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