So it appears that I have not written about my Real Estate adventures for quite some time.
This was pointed out to me by my one (and only) loyal reader this past weekend and after further review….he was correct.
I, on the other hand thought that I was writing diligently BUT that was my mind playing tricks on me….or it could be the scotch.
Looks like it’s been over a month and when we last left your favorite neighborhood Realtor he was on a train surrounded by Cougars….Oh My!!!
- Safely avoided the Cougars and got back to NYC, where we saw Kinky Boots (Lot’s of fun).
- Back to Mee-Am-Mi and back to work.
- Brunch at Biltmore Hotel with lots of old people (MIL Bday) and boy can they eat.
- Continued my reign as president of the Royal Atlantic.
- Lost a Listing (1421 Sorolla)
- Sold 433 Cadagua….a week later and lot’s of back and no forth….unsold Cadagua.
- Started a train wreck deal. They go like this; sold a non listed water front home, then sold another non listed home to that seller and when we could not find a “Listed” home for the non listed second seller……Train wreck!
- After 15 years with the same bank….I say bye, bye cause they seem to have lost that “loving feeling”.
- Refied my Home Mortgage (I recommend this to everyone, values are up and rates are down), hence new lender that shows a “loving feeling” BTW; this topic will be featured in “Footnotes” this month.
- Closed 335 sarto (Congrats to Buyers/Sellers).
- Listed 4047 Malaga; very charming old Spanish in So. Grove
- Closed 108 Sarto (Congrats to Buyers/Seller); Got a very nice bottle of 18yr single malt from Seller (Thank you).
- Saw Memphis, well done and Brickell is BLOWING up!
- Sold another non listed property to a builder who is going to build a Bad Ass Box on a great South Grove street (if you know anyone, give me a call).
- Presented a whole bunch of offers for different clients, in different price points, in different locations…..and NADA!!!
- Won some RE/MAX awards with best one being top contributor to Miami Childrens Network.
- Closed 10360 sw 58ct (Congrats to Buyers/Seller)
- Happy BDay Dad (I toast you every night).
- A new “Milton” has entered our lives……..(Milton is a Mini Cooper)
- Listed/Sold/UnSold a condo in Kendall….have 10 showings today so it will be sold again.
- Taking photo’s of a new Listing 4151 Woodridge (call me, will hit after the holiday)
I’m sure I have missed some stuff but I promise to get back to writing about my adventures every few days or so…..if not, just complain. I’m pretty good at this “Customer Service” thing.