Tie a yellow….

Ribbon around the old oak tree, or in this case “The Old Coconut Grove Playhouse”.

Yesterday afternoon some concerned Grovites got together (in the heat of the afternoon and almost passed out until the organizers mentioned 2 for 1 drinks at the local watering holes) and shouted “Give it Back” which most if not all the passing motorist (after being stuck in afternoon traffic) did not give a crap about except for this hot tattooed babe that asked me what “Give it Back” stood for and than shook my hand But we Grovites care about the playhouse so we kept screaming “Give it Back” until we got the helicopter to take a picture of us all standing in the parking lot (and there was a juggler) and then we had some cheerleaders cheer, some important people say nothing and some 5 year old kid from “Pinecrest” singing what SHOULD be our national anthem and then before the 2 for 1’s were served, we all grabbed some yellow ribbon and wrapped it around the playhouse except for the front which would have made a better “money shot” for the press (but who would have thunk it) and then we all went home (read local bars)….so “Give it Back”

Post does not make much sense (but it’s true)?

You should hear/see but not read (cause that would ruffle feathers) what is up with the Grove Playhouse.

Talk about making no sense (but it’s true)

To be continued.

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