Happy New Year…..

Except for this guy…

You are about to read a real email exchange between a Real Estate Agent and yours truly. I have removed the agents name because it would be wrong to out this A@#$%^&*(But he must be important because his last name contains 3 I’s)

He starts with this as the “Subject” Line:

y’all are seriously lazy (apparently Triple I is from the south) and continues with….

“So I used Show Assist (why not just put Erica’s # in the Broker Remarks?), and Erica reminds me that tomorrow is New Years Day (Thanks for reminding me. I should review my priorities and wait until Feb. to be productive), and can I please call back to reschedule later in the week?

I noticed she didn’t say she was out of the country or state.

All you have to do with listings, to make the same amount of money as the SELLING agent, is to put the thing on Lockbox and receive the offers. 

It’s easy, dude.”

My client is is looking for an immediate lease.

Which I replay with;


Happy New Year.


Which gets me this piece of wordsmithing….

Maybe your assistant needs an assistant for when, like, she can’t, like show it.

Or a supra would be great.

enjoy your new year, bro

Which got him this reply from me:

Again, really?

I wish you the best in this business…


Which got me no reply and yes the “I wish you the best in this business” was harsh on my part.

BUT Lets recap Triple I’s observations, with my comments below each one.

1; “y’all are seriously lazy”

We manage over 100 properties for our clients, Lazy is not one of the words that folks would associate to us.

2; “So I used Show Assist (why not just put Erica’s # in the Broker Remarks?)”

We use show assist because it registers any agent looking at the property and allows us to follow up with any questions (not lazy but not taking the extra step to look a show assist is)

3; “I should review my priorities and wait until Feb. to be productive”

You should, New Years Day??? How about one of the few days you spend with family? 

And if it takes you till February to be productive….get out of Real estate.

4; “I noticed she didn’t say she was out of the country or state.”

No clue where triple I was going with this, but I’m pretty sure I know.

5; “to make the same amount of money as the SELLING agent”

Make a bet right now Triple I that if you are working on New Years Day as an agent….I’m doing way better than you.

6; “It’s easy, dude”

Never easy, just see what kind of agents I have to deal with

7; “My client is is looking for an immediate lease.”


8; “Maybe your assistant needs an assistant for when, like, she can’t, like show it.”

Like, great grammar here.

9; “Or a supra would be great.”

Triple I must be use to “just showing up” and killing a deal (easy) but maybe just maybe he should do his home work and realize that not every HOA allows Supra’s or LBX’s so that random people can access properties….but that would involve “work”.

10; And that my name is “Dude & Bro”

What up Harold?

Sorry I could not resist.

Tip for Triple I, be nice in 2018 and you may get by as a Real Estate agent…

Happy New Year @Gotta Jav Miami


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