Happy Birthday to me…..(no tengo Abuelita)
Ok, So far GRESE has a Protagonist, a Babe and a Plot (sort of but not really) now we are missing the Antagonist….
I knew it was going too well with the Dame and I knew it was only a matter of time before this whole relationship went bad…..and then the “Catch”
The “Catch” was all “Miami D-A-L-E (who is Dale?), 305, Versace kit, smells of Tom Ford’ Craig’s list Real Estate Agent.; Yup, a Real Poser with a fake name (passport expired) and limited skills BUT he looked good for the print ads, knew how to scam listings..so we played along.
Catch; “A pleasure to meet you, hope you are well , I trust?”
Me; “No, Yes and No”
Teeth bright, smile wide, he went on “So my client mentioned that you were kind enough to show her a property but it was not the one, got any others”
(None that you will see)..”Nope, now that I know she has you to help her, I’ll think I’ll step a side”.
“Smart move Mister, she’s with a pro now”
(Pro my ass)..”Nice shoes, Nice Suit, No Talent”
“Sorry, No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems”
Exactly, You may look good but that don’t mean you have a clue….(nor know country songs)