Fish, Kayaks and a New Year……

So it’s been about a week, sorry for the delay but I have been quite busy doing absolutely nothing productive…….and I feel great.

Quick recap; the fish bit the dust (Ravens have a tough D), I got a kayak for Xmas and NADA for my Bday (well not true, my Mother in law did leave for 3 months), so all in all I did OK.

Buddy of mine who knows about my Buyers Market Myth Concept sent me this link and 2 things caught my eye; first anyone who is looking for a home….tell me is it a buyers market? If so prove it and I’ll change my mind.

Second; that whole FHA increase HA!!!!! Only if your buying in the MOST FREAKING EXPENSIVE area in the State.

In Miami, the limit has actually come down and will continue to do so.
I just had a deal where we started at 425.0 level and in a matter of 6 months we are at 344.0……so all of you Buyers in this Buyers market….better hurry.

Tomorrow’s blog will have past years Stats and my predictions of this years market.

How fun!

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