First of all…

In Reply to Riley Smith’s (EWM) assertion that he had to drag me over the finish line on his latest blog post; well that’s only true because the longest training run we did was 22 miles and he “just forgot” to mention that there were 4.2 more miles in the actual marathon; boy was that a surprise!

OK Quick recap on his post;

I have a property under contract in North Grove and Riley and I are always kidding each other on where we can list/buy properties.

When Riley, as a well known collector of fine properties in The North Grove found out that I had sold something in his Hood, he called the listing agent Carleen Smith (EWM) and gave her a hard time about me selling something there without him knowing; something about right of first refusal…..

So I just had to come up with something.

And just to be clear, I don’t think this addendum is in “Forms simplicity” NOR is it approved by FAR BAR

The best was Carleen’s call later in the day; “Are you serious Jav, I framing this addendum”

Lot’s of good stuff going on in Coconut Grove, come on down and check us out.

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