Simply put……….
CASH is back……..don’t ask, I’ll keep ya posted.
CASH is back……..don’t ask, I’ll keep ya posted.
May part 2.This one will go down as one of my most classic post closing moments. Close on a home, nice young couple buys it and as most young folks they want to make some changes in the home; paint, clean, change the toilet seat. So the couple is doing this one lovely Saturday afternoon …
Let’s start May’s recap with the first week. Have a great listing in South Gables, very cute Old Spanish…in fact so cute that I’ve sold the place 6 times but that’s for another post. Well the story goes like this.Reduce said Old Spanish by 50k and all hell breaks loose and I get 5 offers, …
As I mentioned yesterday I’ve been busy and I was just going to recap the goings on of this month when someone stepped into my office with the topic de jour…….LOAN MODIFICATION. And of course they had signed up with a “save your home, we mean it” agency that took 1,750.00 to “modify” their loan. …
Lots of stuff to rant about, stay tuned……..I’ll be back tomorrow. Oh and yes, the bottom was two months ago…..
From the first time you stuck your nose in that girls bathing suit bottom, till the last “lickys” you have been a great companion………….. Bye Stout, we will miss you.