Canine intro……….

So remember that home with the bright, athletic and slightly psycho dogs with a death wish? Well I rented it to a nice couple with kids and yes……………………a freaking dog. I doing the walk thru and they introduce me to my new canine nemesis, And this one looks really fast……… He’s sleek, well toned and …

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Oh Trulia….what have I done?

So your friendly neighborhood Realtor got himself in a bit of a heated conversation when I answered this question posted on Trulia the other day. Question was, and I quote; “We may be moving to Miami in the next few months. We have been looking at homes in Coconut Grove but been told that the …

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OK now it’s personal……………..

So I’m minding my own business when this appears on my email; HOW OLD IS YOUR DOG. WTF; I don’t care, hell I have enough of my own problems for the folks at “Real Age” to worry about my dogs. I think this is Lassie’s owners getting back at me……..

Why do Motorcycles have windshields………

How does this relate to Real Estate, beats the hell out of me BUT why do they? Saw some Dude on a BMW bike with the whole “bikes R us” get up and it has this tiny windshield, whats it for? Protect you from wind? Rain? Does it have little wipers? Keep bugs out of …

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The sex story………..

This is for adults only as it involves alternative lifestyle relations. Gotcha reading don’t I…………………Showing a property with a wee bit of a lassie in the home and the potential Buyer also has a wee bit of a lassie with them. What I mean by “wee bit” is those dogs that always are “looking up” …

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