MLS Board Vs Jav part 3

Can’t shake this Robot, it’s on me like a Viper Probe Droid…..

After thinking I had successfully evaded detection I get a new notice this morning from the evil empire…..
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Javier Gonzalez,

To improve the accuracy of our MLS data, MIAMI REALTORS utilizes an automated MLS error checking system known as iCheck.  This program scans our MLS content looking for possible data entry errors and MLS rules violations.

On Wednesday, August 21, 2013, it identified an error or violation in your listing as shown below. We are sending you this courtesy notice and providing an opportunity for you to correct the error or violation within 3 business days to avoid a fine. The listing will be automatically rechecked by the system following the grace period.  If it is not corrected, a fine will be issued in accordance with the MLS rules.

       MLS #:  A1827945

      Adress:  5838 74 TE, Unit #116, South Miami, Florida 33143

      Status:  Active-Available

        Type:  Condo/Co-Op/Villa/Townhouse

       Agent:  Javier Gonzalez

      Broker:  Brenda Bly

       Error:  Invalid Area used in the TaxID (046)

 Description:  Invalid Area, 41, used in the TaxID: 09-40-36-062-0150. Where the 3nd and 4rd numbers in the TaxID should match the Area.

If you believe you received this courtesy notice in error, please notify our MLS Department immediately by replying to this E-mail only.

No phone call is required.


MLS Department


Yesterday the listing was corrected by someone (I am guessing someone from the Matrix) and it was reassigned to area 40 BUT since I don’t want it there, I moved it back to area 41.

Last night I think they noticed my little twist and snagged me again but not to be defeated, I tried something else today……

Let’s see what happens but if nothing comes of this at least I’m making that stupid Robot work for it’s 100 bucks.

BTW; This property is also listed for Rent in same area (41) but the Robot does not check rentals (it’s below him/her)

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