Someone asked (and I know who you are) “what the heck is Bombea Chico Y Agunata”.
Well after consulting with Google China………………..NADA, those @#$%^& Rich Commies.
I am proud to say that this term is my Dad’s and my Dad’s only.
If you survived “Mantando el Crocodilo” then you automatically got promoted to “Bombea y Agunata” with lead to “Empuja Conjo”……..but I digress.
Ok, we grew up with a 1961 VW Bug and apparently the brakes had to be bled daily.
Now we need to address the fact that a 61′ Bug was powered by about a 40 HSP engine, which is just a bit short of your lawn mower and weighs about what my “MIL” weighs….. so brakes in 61′ were an option.
Now after you “Matar el Crocodilo”, Dad would recruit you to “Bleed the Brakes” which involved the cries of …“Bombea Chico Y Aguanta”.
For those of you who live in China and cannot access Google; the phrase means “Pump and hold” and not in a good way………………….
Yes, I will address “Empuja Conjo” at a later date.