Holy Hell…

No, I know they just elected a new Pope….this post is not about that (Go Argentina…Quine te aguanta ahora…)

It’s about that I have not posted anything since I got back from Guatemala!

Went to a wedding, rode a helicopter (I want one) and came back to the Magic City where…………

REALTOR’s are nuts!

I’ll get to this a bit deeper in my monthly MMC web post but Damn kids….we are driving a new bubble by promising sale results that we will not / cannot meet.

Today I lost a listing that I had priced aggressive for the location and “True” square footage…..(you know the one the Appraisers use). I showed it privately and my Buyers were looking to offer less then the “Off list price” based on comps (you know those nasty little homes that look just like yours and sold prior to yours in the same hood) and lo and behold the property listed today for 100k over my “off list” which is a WHOLE lot more then what it will appraise for….

No sour grapes, at the end Sellers decide who they believe/trust and list with..


All I could say was “WOW”, we must be really desperate to get listings in our industry when we need to overprice homes by the hundreds….(as in thousands).

Seller’s, you may be well served by asking your “angel listing agent” how many times did they reduce your original price to sell the property?

That will tell you a lot….

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