Clueless Realtor’s!

First; Why don’t you LISTEN!

Second; Why don’t you READ!

Third; Why don’t you MIND your own BUSINESS?

Oh yeah it’s because you have No Business……………

This post is for the Realtor who reported me yesterday to the MLS board; You my friend have earned the distinction of a Blog post and Congrats, it takes a lot to do so…..

It starts with an MLS Syndication project that I have been working on for several months……….

Don’t know what “MLS Syndication” is?

Don’t sweat it most folks know it as Zillow, Trulia, and all the other Real Estate sites; these sites pick up our Listings off the MLS and offer it via the Interwebs to all sorts of folks (Mostly Scammer’s, Realtors with no listings and Buyers looking for 20k oceanfront condos).

As you can see I’m not a big fan of these sites and have been researching ways to remove my listings from unwanted 3rd party syndication.

While doing research I discovered a flaw in the MLS system (All Miami-Dade Realtor’s can thank me later as it was a big deal) and to prove my theory, I had to upload a dummy listing. (seen here).

As you can see; the listing has very little info and states not once but twice that this is a test and it’s not for sale AND don’t call for an appointment (and if you run the tax roll… may notice that I OWN the unit) AND I’m only offering 1% commission.

Think the Realtor paid any heed to this?

Good guess if you said “NO”.

So Boy wonder calls me to see if it’s for sale, I explain the situation and after a pleasant conversation he promptly reports me to the MLS Violation board.

Get’s better, as part of his conversation he states that his customer REALLY, REALLY likes the building.

Word of advice; If your customer REALLY, REALLY likes the building than MAYBE, just MAYBE you should be REALLY, REALLY nice to the Condo President…..oh yeah Me!

And here’s your sign!

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