To Jump…….

Or not to Jump, that was the topic de jour yesterday morning.

Some background, about a month ago we went to visit a friend (Neil) up on the cape and while waiting to have breakfast at the Hanger B (highly recommended) we noticed people intentionally jumping out of perfectly good air planes.

You could see the plane at 13,000 ft and then you would see a couple of specks fall out and then you would hear A LOT of screaming……which makes sense.

So after seeing this same thing happen several times we thought “What the hell we should try this”…

Actually Ana said “Hey we should try this”.

I said “Why?”

A; “Because you only live once”

Me; “I would like to keep living”

A & N; “Whimp”

Me; “That would be Correct”

And I felt that this was the end of Ana’s latest endeavour to get me killed…..


To be continued…….

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