Ok, so in keeping with my Dads “Matando el Crocodilo” mandate; when I did my “inheritance addition” I installed an electric water heater and felt that I had finally vanquished the “Crocodilo”.
Those Crocodilos are hard to kill and for years I had my own hot water issues.
They went something like this; “JAV……… I HAVE NO @#$%^&* HOT WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
And my Mother-in-Law, being my “Inheritance” would chime in “NEITHER DO I!!!!!!!!!”(but in Spanish, which sounds louder)
Until this week when in a moment of sheer brilliance….I called someone who knew what they were doing.
So for about the cost of nothing, I took off 2 screws and changed the internal thermostat up from 125′ to 145′ and all is good in Javi World.
Now truth be told; I will lower it back to 125′ when my “MIL” gets back….I just have too.