GRESE Chapter 10

Today I had one of those Realtor moments that make this job “Special”, “Special” as in WTF!

We get to one of our listings to show it and there are 2 couples waiting for us, one we knew about the other no clue…so being really inquisitive Realtor’s we asked “Who are you?” (we’re inquisitive that way) and they say “We called on the sign and the nice lady gave us the information about the property”.

“And what sign would that be?” I inquired.

“The one outside the complex that said “For Rent” with this phone number” they replied.

How nice, first I have to deal with all the Craig List Realtor’s who swipe our listings on line now I have someone posting a physical sign with their phone number on it to get calls on a property that they do not represent!


Postscript; we called and the lady (who did not identify themselves as a Realtor) and asked about the property and of course the info was incorrect BUT the best was “I live in the Northwest, so you have to give me plenty of time to show it”


Chapter 10

She was waiting and not happy about it “so what’s special about this place”

“you’ll see”

What I saw: The home was a perfect mid Century masterpiece; clean lines, open spaces and all the finishes high end and impossible to replicate.

What she saw: A dump

I went into all the details of the home, it’s architectural pedigree and it’s intrinsic value. I knew I was getting her excited about the home when out of the blue I heard a familiar voice.

“Hi Babe, saw your text and I came right over” hissed Catch “What a dump” he added.

Why was Catch back in my life and why so soon (man this Dame could text!)? I pulled the Dame aside and asked “Why is he here, I thought we had an agreement?”

“I just can’t quit him” (Great, now cowboy movie references)

I had to put an end to this….and I did…..DALE!

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